Serene Chen Serene Chen

How can healing crystals help you?

Crystals are one of the most popular gemstones among others. Different crystals have different abilities and here, we shall unravel the abiities of the common ones.

For Health
Clear Quartz -
a master healer; believed to support the body’s energetic system

Obsidian - helps to process emotions and experiences. Helps to nurture an open mind

Amethyst - for healing, purifying and enhancing willpower

Sunstone - instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows real self to shine happily

For Wealth
Tiger’s eye- provide motivation and lessen fear

Citrine - spark enthusiasm, creativity and concentration

Jade - prosperity and luck, protection

Sapphire - stone of prosperity

For Love
Rose Quartz - helps to build and nurture love and trust

Moon stone - prompt feelings of inner strength and growth

Before getting your first crystal bracelet, identify what you feel you are missing. This would help you determine what is happening within yourself before depending on external sources. Let your intuition be your guiding light. Whether a crystal catches your eyes, or you feel a pull toward one, your inner subconscious would help you pick out the one that is right for you.

Put faith in your beliefs and amazing things will happen.

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Serene Chen Serene Chen

Amazing Connection with Chakras Crystal Healing

There has been times where I feel lack of vitality, restlessness and low self-esteem. Nothing seemed to heal my emotional turmoil until I chanced upon a chakras bracelet. It is a bracelet with seven natural stones of varying colors, each known to represent certain parts of our mind and body. I thought it would be no harm to try donning a chakras bracelet on my left wrist.

I believe in crystals and meditate with the chakras bracelet every morning. Day by day, I felt more peaceful and energetic. My worries seemed to have not even existed before. I felt less anxious and worried. On the contrary, I became more open to challenges and uncertainties.

Because of my strong beliefs in healing crystals, that made me wanting to learn and share my knowledge and help the people around me regain their true self, realise their self-worth, and nourish their mind and body.

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Serene Chen Serene Chen

Wearing Crystal Bracelets the Correct Way

Wearing crystal bracelets the right way is essential to help you benefit fully.

Everyone loves beautiful and exquisite crystal bracelets. We love the shine, the glamour and the hearsay of crystals’ healing properties and amazing abilities to harness positive energy.

Do we know how to cleanse our crystals and how to wear them the proper way?

To fully benefit from our crystal bracelets, wearing them either on the left wrist or the right wrist matters. It depends on our preference or the specific energy we wish to harness.

When getting our crystal bracelets for the first time, we need to clean and charge them with out intentions before wearing them. This, we can do so by simply running them under clean water or placing them under direct sunlight.

Wearing on the Right Wrist
- projection of our energy outward
- engage with the world more effectively
- to channel healing and supportive energy to others around us

Wearing on the Left Wrist
- absorbs and receives the energy from the bracelet
- to seek personal growth, healing or emotional balance
- enhance intuition
- deepen connection to our inner wisdom

Crystal Bracelet Overload

As much as possible, we should avoid wearing too many crystal bracelets simultaneously. This is to prevent conflicting energies, thus reducing their effectiveness. If need be, we should only wear up to three that resonate with our intentions and complement each other.

Some crystal bracelets are meant to be worn on specific side of the wrist.

1. Black Obsidian Bracelet - left and right wrist. Finding happiness, purification and protection
2. Rose Quartz Bracelet - left wrist. Attracts love, enhances, self-love, nurtures emotional well-being
3. Citrine Bracelet - right wrist. For prosperity, abundance, wealth and success
4. Amethyst Bracelet - left wrist. For spiritual growth, enhances intuition, promotes emotional healing
5. Black Tourmaline Bracelet - left wrist. Protection
6. Lapis Lazuli Bracelet - right wrist. For communication, self-expression, creativity

We hope that through this article, you have gained some insights on how to properly harness the energy from your crystal bracelets.

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